Objections Answered | 15
15. Shall We Condemn Our Pious Forefathers?
Christians, with comparatively few exceptions, have not doubted the lawfulness of war, and many have actually fought and bled on the field of battle and considered themselves in the way of their duty.
And shall all our pious forefathers be condemned for engaging in war?
It is admitted that many pious people have engaged in war, but they might have been in error on this subject as well as on many other subjects.
Many of our pious forefathers engaged in the slavery of their fellow men, and thought themselves in the way of their duty, but does it follow that they were not in error?
The circumstance that multitudes defend a sentiment is no certain evidence of its truth. Some of the reformers were objected to because the multitude was against them.
Popularity, however, ever has influenced and ever will influence mankind more than plain gospel duty, until the earth shall be filled with the abundance of peace. But notwithstanding this, it is not right to follow the multitude to do evil.
All ought to remember that they have no right to follow the example of anyone any further than that example coincides with the example of Christ or the precepts of the gospel. All other standards are fallible and dangerous.
If real Christians have, from mistaken zeal, prayed against each other, fought each other, and shed each other’s blood, this does not justify war.