Inquiry into Christianity and War | CHAPTER 2
2. Reasonableness of the inquiry
3. Revealed will of God the sole standard of decision
4. Declarations of great men that Christianity prohibits war
5. Christianity
6. General character of Christianity
7. Precepts and declarations of Jesus Christ
8. Arguments that the precepts are figurative only
9. Precepts and declarations of the apostles
10. Objections to the advocate of peace from passages of the Christian Scriptures
11. Prophecies of the Old Testament respecting an era of peace
12. Early Christians – Their belief – Their practice – Early Christian writers
15. Objections from the distinction between the duties of private and public life
16. The absence of a common arbitrator among nations
17. The principles of expediency
18. Examination of the principles of expediency as applied to war
19. Examination of the mode of its application
20. Universality of Christian obligation
21. Dr. Paley’s Moral and Political Philosophy
22. Inconsistent with the usual practice of the author
23. Inapplicability of the principles proposed to the purposes of life
24. Dr. Paley’s Evidences of Christianity
25. Inconsistency with the principles of the Moral Philosophy
26. Argument in favour of war from the excess of male births
27. Argument from the lawfulness of coercion on the part of the civil magistrate
29. Principles on which killing an assassin is defended
30. Consequences of these principles
31. Unconditional reliance upon Providence on the subject of defence
32. Safety of this reliance – Evidence by private and natural experience