Christian Non-Violence, Nonviolence

*/ Objections Answered As was proposed, a number of objections to the general sentiments that have been advocated shall be stated and answered. 1. What If We Are Attacked By An Assassin? 2. Self-Defence Is the First Law of Nature 3. War Is Consistent With Moral Law 4. The Essence of Morality in the Old and New Testaments Is the

1. What If We Are Attacked By An Assassin? Objection. Shall we stand still and suffer an assassin to enter our houses without resistance and let him murder our families and ourselves? Answer. I begin with this because it is generally the first objection that is made to the doctrine of peace by all persons, high and low, learned and

2. Self-Defence Is the First Law of Nature Objection. Self-defence, and, if necessary, with deadly weapons, is the first law of nature: All of the animals in creation are armed with means of defence, and the principles of the gospel are not contrary to the principles of nature. Therefore, self-defence is not inconsistent with Christianity. Answer. It is admitted that

3. War Is Consistent With Moral Law Objection. The precepts of the gospel are consistent with the moral law, or the eternal nature of things, which is forever the standard of right and wrong to all moral beings in the universe. War has been prosecuted consistently with this rule of right and wrong. Therefore, war cannot be contrary to the

4. The Essence of Morality in the Old and New Testaments Is the Same Objection. The nature of religion and morality under the ancient dispensation was the same as under the new: Love to God and man was the substance of the law and the prophets, and though truth under the former was inculcated more by types and ceremonies, yet

5. Abraham’s War Was Approved By God Objection. Abraham went to war, not like the Israelites at the command of God, yet he met with the divine approbation when he returned from the slaughter of the kings. He, therefore, must have acted on a universal law still in force. Since Christians are called the children of Abraham they ought, of

6. The Shedding Of Blood Is a Universal Law Objection. It appears to be a universal law of God that “ whoso sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed. ” If one man, or one nation, attacks another and sheds his blood, his own must be shed in return. Hence this precept not only authorizes taking away

7. We Are Told To Seek Counsel When Waging War Objection. “ Every purpose is established by counsel, and with good advice make war. ” “ By wise counsel thou shalt make war ,” etc. Here, war is recognized as a duty under certain circumstances, and the manner in which it is to be undertaken is pointed out: namely, by

8. John the Baptist Did Not Rebuke the Soldiers Objection. When the soldiers demanded of John the Baptist what they should do, one of the directions that he gave them was to be content with their wages. If their occupation had been unlawful, then he would not have directed them to be contented with the wages of wickedness. Answer. John

9. The Centurion and Cornelius Were Not Rebuked Objection. The Centurion and Cornelius were Christians and soldiers and highly approved of God for their faith and piety, nor were they directed by Christ or his apostles to renounce their profession. Therefore, the profession of arms is not inconsistent with Christian duty. Answer. They were first soldiers and then Christians and
