Christian Non-Violence, Nonviolence

10. Jesus Himself Paid Tribute Objection. Our Lord paid tribute money that went to support military power, but he would not contribute to the support of a wicked thing. Therefore, war is not inconsistent with Christianity. Answer. A distinguished trait of the Christian religion is peace . The command is, “ Follow peace with all men. ” “ Blessed are

11. Christ Told His Apostles to Get Swords Objection. Our Lord, just before his crucifixion, commanded his disciples to take swords, and, if any were destitute, to sell their garments and procure them, as they would no longer have his personal presence to protect them. And, as they were to encounter great trials and difficulties, they must, besides relying on

12. We Are Commanded To Be Subject To Civil Rulers Objection. Christians are commanded to be in subjection to civil rulers, who are God’s ministers to execute wrath on the wicked and are ministers of good to the church. Therefore, Christians are bound to take the sword at their command, for civil government is ordained of God, civil rulers are

13. Magistrates Are Called Avengers Who Execute Wrath Objection. To deny the right of the magistrate to call on his subjects to take the sword is to deny that he is an avenger to execute wrath, though the gospel expressly declares that he is. Answer. This conclusion does not follow unless it is a fact that God cannot and does

14. The Enemies We Are To Love Are Our Personal Enemies, Not the Enemies of the State Objection. The passages of Scripture which have been quoted against retaliation and which inculcate love to enemies and the returning of good for evil have reference to individuals in their conduct towards each other, but have no relation to civil government and are

15. Shall We Condemn Our Pious Forefathers? Objection. Christians, with comparatively few exceptions, have not doubted the lawfulness of war, and many have actually fought and bled on the field of battle and considered themselves in the way of their duty. And shall all our pious forefathers be condemned for engaging in war? Answer. It is admitted that many pious

16. We Cannot Survive As Non-Resistants Objection. If Christians generally should adopt these sentiments, it would be impossible for them to subsist in this world in its present state, and if they did continue it must be in abject slavery. They would become hewers of wood and drawers of water to the tyrannical and oppressive, and would only encourage them

17. It Is Our Duty to Preserve Life and Liberty Objection. It is the duty of mankind to use the necessary means for the preservation of life and liberty; we must till the ground, if we expect a crop. It would be presumptuous for us to pray for and to expect our daily bread without using such means as God

18. Some Early Christians Did Not Refuse To Bear Arms Objection. Some ecclesiastical historians inform us that Christians in the early ages of the church, though they contended so firmly for the faith as to suffer martyrdom rather than submit to idolatry, yet did not refuse to bear arms in defence of their country, even when called upon by heathen

We cannot acknowledge allegiance to any human government; neither can we oppose any such government by a resort to physical force. We recognize but one Lord and Lawgiver, one Judge and Ruler of mankind: We are bound by the laws of a kingdom - which is not of this world, the subjects of which are forbidden to fight; - in
